Performance Marketer: In Love With Games And Numbers
Do you like games and numbers? Then we recommend the position of ‘Performance Marketer’. Make attractive marketing strategies and draw in a high number of users in a short amount of time. Doesn’t it sound thrilling? We introduce to you a team member who jumped into performance marketing from the love of games and numbers and is currently spreading gameduo’s captivation to users worldwide!

Hi Jaeyoung. I’ve heard you’re one of the founding members of gameduo!
Yes hello. I recall about five to six members when I joined. Can’t believe it’s been almost four years already…
It must have been a challenge, what with joining at the very beginning.
It sure was. I mean I majored physics and didn’t have a superior to teach me the job. It was quite the stress to manage the budget and create profit. But each learning process was exciting since I like games and numbers more than the regular person.
Wow… It’s great to see you take up the challenge with such courage! Alot must have changed.
I think I’ve grown alot through the ups and downs (chuckles). Before, I was worried about how to use a budget of 100,000 KRW. Now I breeze through a monthly budget of a billion KRW and try out various campaigns. Another notable difference is that the company has gotten bigger and there are skilled team members in each part. I’m doing my best to provide help based off of what I’ve learned in the past.
Enlighten us of a performance marketer’s work from before releasing a game to managing it!

It’s easy when you think of of what someone goes through from downloading a game to playing it. Do you remember seeing an ad for a game while using your phone? I plan videos or banners like that before releasing a game. It’s an important role of a performance marketer to create the best strategy based on the ad’s target and budget.
You’d go to the app store to check out the game if you liked the ad. I work on App Store Optimization (ASO) to make the game seem appealing and clickable. This includes managing game descriptions and image/video previews.
The advantage of mobile marketing is that you can see user acquisition intuitively through numbers. My main job is to monitor and analyze user acquisition data to set the appropriate marketing budget and subject matter.
What do you think is the most important ability for this type of work?

Two points come to mind that I realized while I was working.
The first is ‘sensitivity’. Unlike other products, games are updated every one to two weeks so the product’s value changes constantly. As a game marketer you have to understand the value of the product you are in charge of, which is a game in this case. It’s key to find the users fit for the game and draw them in. It’s all about reacting sensitively and swiftly to change.
The second is ‘positive outlook’. It helps to think and act in a positive manner in order to attract users based on the changing values of the game. You can always get a profitable result in this update even if the last time wasn’t a success. It’s important to think ‘Wouldn’t it work this time?’ and try out various strategies rather than think ‘Let’s not do that again since it was a fail’. I wasn’t like this at that start but I became an optimist through work. (laughs)
As a marketer, what are the strengths of gameduo?

gameduo has two points that all fun games must have.
‘A game’s core excitement’ and ‘unique graphics’. As the saying goes, ‘cast pearls before swine’. No matter how charming and brilliant a game is, it’s worth nothing without its own inherent excitement. It needs to be fun to get along with all the other parts and gameduo does this well by bringing enthralling gameplay together with its unique traits.
The phrase I’ve heard the most from external stakeholders during meetings is that ‘gameduo has its own color’. The quality of our art team’s work is progressing by the day and I’m truly proud and grateful as a marketer.
When do you feel exhilarated or proud during work?
It might sound obvious, but it’s the most exhilarating when the campaign you run is a success. It feels amazing when the subject matter I planned on paper reaches its target following the set strategy. It’s like I’ve predicted the future a bit and it worked? If the success of the campaign goes on for a long while, I can sleep like a baby for the rest of the month. (laughs)
You’ve been with gameduo from the start. How do you think gameduo grew so fast in such a short time?
gameduo’s team members always try to get things done. It’s amazing to see founding members as well as new members have passion for games and work. Everyone gives their all and works persistently until they get it done. I watch them and think that such a mindset is necessary in order to make it. To be honest we have more failed games than successful ones. But we give quick feedback and prepare against crisis and become successful with a new game rather than fall into despair and reproach one another.
What do you say most often at gameduo?

With great team members joining gameduo, I can’t help but want to look after them. I tend to nag alot ‘You have to exercise regularly’, ‘You have to eat well’ etc etc. During work I say ‘Agh’ alot. A bit between ‘Oh’ and ‘AH’. When I make a mistake or need to make an edit or confirm something I say ‘Agh…! I’m sorry! I’ll check on it!’ the most hahaha.
Now a must ask question to a member of gameduo! Tell us your favorite game.
I enjoy TFT auto chess alot recently. It’s a strategy game that feels like chess. I used to enjoy RPG games but these days I prefer simple games I can do on my way to and from work. Maybe because I’m a marketer who plans strategies… I find strategy games fun. (laughs)
Last but not least, I’m curious about your goal at gameduo as well as your personal goal.
I want to achieve a fast and efficient UA (User Acquisition) for gameduo using various methods. To reach this goal, a systematic work process and data studying is a must! I’m getting alot of help from the data literacy study at gameduo and hope to make good use of it.
Personally, I aim to study other languages. I absolutely love going to Japan and enjoying good food there. I swear to master English and Japanese one day!
Despite each moment being a new experience and challenge, isn’t it inspiring to see such rapid growth through consist work and studying? Identifying and analyzing the ever changing value of games using numbers and creating users fit for these games. Achieve all of this at gameduo!